PHOTO: © Samuel Regan-Asante via unsplash

Amsel im Brombeerstrauch

In the organizer's words:

Drama | GE, CH 2023 | 115 min | FSK 12
Biopic, Drama, H
100 min | FSK 12
R/B: Elene Naveriani
D: Eka Chavleishvili, Temiko Chinchinadze, Pikria Nikabadze

Etero is approaching 50 and runs a small store in a remote Georgian village. She has never married out of conviction, always content with herself and her unattached, quiet life. Although she is met with condescension and ridicule in the village, Etero loves her freedom unswervingly. But then an accident awakens a longing in her that she had never felt before. Unexpectedly, she falls passionately in love with a man and is suddenly faced with the decision of whether to enter into a relationship or hold on to her independence. Etero has to rediscover her feelings and needs in order to find out what her own path to happiness might look like.
... Life in the Georgian village seems to take place in two separate spheres: In one, the women drink tea on the veranda in the evening, sometimes with a liqueur, to which they also treat themselves to a slice of cake in exceptional cases. They do their shopping at the local grocery store
"Beauty & comfort - just for you", where a man rarely strays into. One of them asks for condoms once, which is one of the many enigmatic scenes. Otherwise, Elene Naveriani largely spares the sphere of men in her tenderly whimsical film. epd-film

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