PHOTO: © © Tourismus Stadt Mannheim GmbH

Henker, Hexen, Hugenotten (Kostümführung)

In the organizer's words:

Was there an executioner in Mannheim? Where was the place of execution? What does blood court mean? What can go wrong during an execution? Discover Mannheim's history from a special perspective and accompany the executioner's daughter Marie on a tour of the lower town and the former craftsmen's quarter. Hear curious facts about the legal system, original Mannheim crime stories, the witchcraft of the Electoral Palatinate, the Mannheim Experiment and the suffering caused by the wars and epidemics that ravaged the city. The executioner's tour is not for the faint-hearted.

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Price information:

Price: 15 € for adults, 12 € for children (6-14 years)

Organizer | Miscellaneous

TOURISMUS STADT MANNHEIM GmbH Willy-Brandt-Platz 5 68161 Mannheim