PHOTO: © Emotional Zone

Maaßkultur mit Sandra Otte & Band

In the organizer's words:
EDEKA Maaß Oberneuland presents, together with Emotional.Zone, DownTownIslandRadio and Cafe-Schwarz.TV the MAASSKULTUR every Wednesday.
In the time from 17:30 to 20:30, whereby..., the end of the concert is largely determined by the audience (i.e. by you)!
Spreading joy with her music is the declared aim of singer/songwriter Sandra Otte. And she succeeds - with charm, a warm voice and a keen sense of observation, she takes a close look at human nature in her songs with catchy melodies and humorously packages the all too human in her German-language lyrics into little stories.
In 2009, the singer wrote her first songs and founded the band "Sandra Otte & ihr Couchcafè". Back then, the music of the five-piece line-up could be described as jazzy pop. However, with her debut album "BOAH!", released in June 2018, Sandra Otte positioned her music in the field of pop chanson, which is sometimes rockier, sometimes softer and sometimes arranged with a big band brass section. The bittersweet ballad "Für dich" from this album even made it into the top 20 of the German best song list( at number 15 in December 2018. Since then, songs from her album have been played on radio stations such as SR3 and Deutschlandradio. In March 2019, Sandra Otte performed two of her songs live on the Malte Völz Show on Radio Bremen 4, where she was compared to Reinhardt May, whose lyrics are often biting, but whose charming manner means they are never taken amiss. That's how it is with Sandra Otte's songs, they said.
Today, Sandra Otte stands alone on stage with her program "Unwillkürlich natürlich" (Involuntarily Natural) and focuses on minimalism in line with the title of her program. Her own guitar accompaniment, which is usually upbeat, sometimes ballad-like in three-four time or with feather-light fingerpicking, takes a back seat so that the performance of her lyrics remains in the foreground. Many of the things Sandra Otte sings about in her songs have probably been experienced by almost everyone in one way or another. Whether it's the neighbor who knows about everything and everyone, your own unwillingness to stay on your own sofa instead of going out, or the person who is talking to you in a very intimate way, but you just can't remember the other person's name. There is simply something for everyone in which they can recognize themselves or one of their fellow human beings.
All in all, it promises to be a cheerful and amusing concert.
Free admission. Just come along and enjoy good music and good conversation with acquaintances, friends and strangers, or maybe even a little dance!!!
Don't worry about Bremen's shietwetter, if it rains too much we'll just move to the Lieblingscafé. The Lieblingscafé will also offer a special snack menu on the evenings of MAASSKULTUR, so you can enjoy your evening meal on site.
Enjoy a few hours of music in a relaxed atmosphere on our (hopefully always summery) square with musicians and bands from a wide variety of genres.
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