PHOTO: © Transmission e.V.

Stahlnetz / Infant Sanchos / Ursula / HEUTE Präzisionsmusik (Live) + Aftershow Party

You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

After celebrating his half-century birthday, DJ M.A.R.I.J.A.N. set out to fulfill his greatest wish. A live event with at least one band from his formative youth and current bands with the charm of yesteryear. With the help of Transmission Stuttgart e.V. and Kultdiak e.V., this wish is now becoming a reality at KUlturBUnker.

"Stahlnetz" recorded the album "Wir sind glücklich" in 1981 with the legendary producer Conny Plank. The band saw themselves as a studio project and only played one live concert at the time. In 2006 and 2008, they produced two spoken-song albums with Jörg Fauser and Udo Lindenberg and released the concept album "Music for Smartphones" in 2020 - 50 tracks of 1 minute each. In 2024, "Stahlnetz" will release a new album with ten new tracks. Again with an unusual concept. Sophisticated German lyrics, elegiac, sprawling compositions, minimal yet melodic electronic music that transfers the Stahlnetz idea from the early 80s to the present day. For their live performances, "Stahlnetz" have reworked their early work, almost all the songs from the debut album will be performed live, supplemented by a few numbers from the second and third albums. Of course, the hit "Vor all den Jahren", which is about the consequences of a nuclear war and has (unfortunately) lost none of its topicality even forty-two years later. The song reached number 18 in the German Top 20 at the time. There could hardly be a more fitting location for this song than this former bunker facility.

Infant Sanchos:
"Infant Sanchos" are from Neukölln and make music. According to their own statements, it's more like cheap art, but loud. Punk passion plays with drum machines and synthesizers. And somewhere along the line, someone is being whipped consensually with a studded belt. Well. They are prepared to let their audience smash all kinds of pigeonholes over their heads. The new EP "Szene 23" is available digitally on their Bandcamp page, as are the two albums "Infant Sanchos" and "Schäume" on vinyl. Listen for yourself.

"Ursula" are a synthwave duo from East Germany. Their inspiration comes from NDW, punk and 80s synthpop. When the sequencer basses and drum synths kick in, hardly a song runs below 180 BPM. Their first album "Ursula" was released in 2019, followed by the albums "Ursula 2" and "Ursula 3". Together with Frederik Schikowski, Young & Cold Records released a split LP in winter 2021. This year saw the release of the new album, which was consequently and logically named "Ursula 4". Albums 1 - 4 are available on tape or digitally on their Bandcamp page.

HEUTE - precision music: (small special oldschool set)
The band "HEUTE" has been in existence and making music for over 40 years now. Minimal, electronic, poppy, edgy, loud and quiet, but always to make you laugh and cry. For this very special occasion, "G.A.W." and "Der Mussikant" are giving the co-organizer "DJ M.A.R.I.J.A.N." an exquisite set and fulfilling a great wish. They have restored selected older songs especially for this evening, which are not usually part of the live program. The two ex-Reutlingen natives will play a 15-minute "Special Oldschool Set".

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:



Kulturbunker Stuttgart Rosenbergstraße 23 70176 Stuttgart

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