

Hasenheide 9, Gewerbehof - Aufgang 1, 3. OG 10967 Berlin Navigation >
19 Follower:innen

In the location's words:

TATWERK sees itself as a laboratory for the exploration of aesthetic potentials and forms a diverse community as an incubator of new ideas, perspectives and practices.

The focus is on political and poetic projects, visionary concepts that reflect and question social dynamics and introduce new ways of working and formats to the scene based on their questions.

The team around Aurora Kellermann and Chris Wohlrab is dedicated to creating the best possible working conditions for artists of the independent performing arts, to building sustainable networks and collaborations, and to providing audiences with simple, yet intense and profound access to the experiential world of performative art.

At TATWERK, artists perform in a variety of formats: there are premieres and guest performances, but also analog and digital work shows and work-in-progress. Thus, at our events we welcome a diverse audience that wants to go on a voyage of discovery into the depths of contemporary performing arts.

Starting in 2022, TATWERK will open up to the public space and, together with the artists, explore the potential impact of their work beyond their own premises.

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