PHOTO: © Kunstverein Unna e.V.

Anne Haring und Vera Kattler: zart und reißfest

In the organizer's words:

In this year's first exhibition, the Kunstverein Unna is once again combining two artists with different positions.

Anne Haring's working method revolves around the physicality of figurative sculpture. Bodies become visible and tangible through their material surface, the boundary between inside and outside. Reduced to the surface, bodies become shells.

Strange-looking creatures populate Vera Kattler's pictures. The painterly, blurred charcoal drawings are inspired, among other things, by images from a wildlife camera, but the seemingly vulnerable animals are transformed and surreal.

Exhibition duration: 23.02. to 17.03.2024

Vernissage on Friday, 23.02. at 19:30. Dr. Gabriele Hovestadt, art historian, will give the introductory lecture. Afterwards, the artists will answer questions.

Finissage on Sunday, 17.03. from 2 to 5 pm with coffee and cake

Opening hours: Thursdays 7 to 9 p.m., Saturdays 3 to 5 p.m., Sundays 2 to 5 p.m.

This content has been machine translated.


Kunstverein Unna e.V. Mühlenstraße 4C 59423 Unna

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