PHOTO: © Rote Hilfe Ortsgruppe Bremen

„Das Prinzip Solidarität“ – Rote Hilfe in den 70er Jahren

In the organizer's words:

Book presentation and closing event as part of the anniversary "100 years of Red Aid"

In the 1970s, there were around one hundred Red Aid groups in the Federal Republic of Germany and West Berlin. As part of a radical left-wing fundamental opposition, they organized teach-ins, medical aid and demonstrations. They studied tenancy law, squatted houses, visited prisoners and sent them parcels to the prisons. They also dealt with the history of the workers' movement in the Weimar Republic, the police, those shot by the police and the imprisoned Tupamaros and members of the RAF. At a time when many things threatened to drift apart, Rote Hilfe tried to create unity. Many debates and disputes between Red Aid and the political organizations of the time - the RAF and the other armed groups as well as the two Maoist parties KPD/ML and KPD/AO - did not always end happily.

On October 11, 2024, Markus Mohr, editor of the book project Bambule, will present the complex history of Rote Hilfe in the 1970s.

An event of the Rote Hilfe local group Bremen in cooperation with Kulturzentrum Kukoon.

This content has been machine translated.


Kukoon Buntentorsteinweg 29 28201 Bremen

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