Der Tag, an dem der Papst gekidnappt wurde

In the organizer's words:
With wordplay and situation comedy takes its course....

In an ominous world, a cab driver does everything he can to extort at least one day of peace on the entire planet and decides without further ado to kidnap the Pope. In doing so, he not only opposes the powerful of the world, but must first convince his wife of his insane idea. If the ways of the Lord are sometimes unfathomable, the ways of a spouse are usually incomprehensible...

The brilliant play "The Day the Pope was Kidnapped" by João Bethencourt offers dynamite for the whole family through an entertaining and hilarious portrayal of the conflicts and ironies in the world. An extraordinary production full of action, comedy and a heartfelt message: peace is possible if only we stick together! This content has been machine translated.


Berliner Kriminal Theater Palisadenstraße 48 10243 Berlin