In the organizer's words:
Moderation: Daniela Dröscher, Jan Valk, Tanja Raich & Matthias Jügler

24 students from the universities of Augsburg, Bamberg, Bayreuth, Erlangen, Regensburg, TU and LMU Munich were selected from numerous applications for this year's BAYERISCHE AKADEMIE DES SCHREIBENS writing seminars; over three weekends, they worked on their texts under the professional guidance of renowned authors and publishing editors. Some tell the storyof "disappearance", others state: "We are all ghosts". Now they are presenting their texts on the big stage for the first time. Get to know the up-and-coming authors!

The readers are: Carina Aigner, Martha Baer, Franziska Berktold, Florian Birnmeyer, Lea Dujmovic, Merle Gebert, Nikos Georgalas, Pia Hegmann, Samuel Heinrich, Maria Jansen, Myriam Kammerlander, Roxana König, Sophia Knopf, Marlies Kormann, Lara Lawniczak, Elena Nahen, Toni Peschel, Amira Sarra Schoemann, Sarah Shtaierman, Mirjam Singer, Merve Şahin, Jonathan Teksala, Klara Vornewald & Emmanuel Walz.

This content has been machine translated.


Regensburg Kulturzentrum Degginger, Wahlenstraße 17 Wahlenstraße 17 93047 Regensburg

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