
In the organizer's words:

Broken glass brings good luck, they say. But if you want a real portion of luck, you leave the bottles whole.
And make music with them. Bottle music.

GlasBlasSing have already empirically proven in the past that even funeral marches sound cheerful when played on bottles. Now, with "Happy Hour", they fearlessly and completely embrace the sunny side of life. At a time when most people are looking at what they lack and what bothers them, they ask: What makes us feel good? Why do we keep forgetting that? Is it possible to be happy and lucky at the same time? Happy AND lucky? Is it possible to be too happy and how does that sound musically? Sharing happiness in order to multiply it - how do mathematicians put up with that? Can you really let a wheel of fortune decide the song order on stage? Is a beer bottle filled to the middle half full or half empty? (Answer: Neither. It's a C sharp.)

"Happy Hour" is not just one, it's almost two hours of acoustic delights, produced on everything the liquid storage specialist trade has to offer. Happy hour sounds for happy hour. As always, this is what GlasBlasSing, Europe's leading pledge makers, stand for with their unwieldy name. Now it's time to grab your luck by the scruff of the neck and be there or - bad luck.

Organizer: Capitol Betriebs GmbH

This content has been machine translated.


Capitol Mannheim Waldhofstraße 2 68169 Mannheim

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