In the organizer's words:

Exchange between men beyond role clichés, pressure to perform and professional hierarchies

What you can expect:

  • Mindful and appreciative encounters
  • Topics such as freedom, sexuality, power/powerlessness, authority, suffering, aggression and enthusiasm
  • Accompanied by group and physical exercises


  • 5 meetings, once a month
  • Monday evening, 19:15-21:15
  • At OHMEGA, Cologne Sülz
  • Participation fee: €39 €19 for the first evening
  • First date to get to know each other, then closed group with binding registration

Arrangements can be made for men with financial constraints.


Welcome to Krieger AG!

Are you ready to get in honest contact with yourself and other men? Krieger AG is aimed at men who want to recognize and transform their internalized thought patterns and behaviours.

What is Krieger AG?

Krieger AG is an exercise program to help men help themselves. Our aim is to recognize and change typical male patterns that hinder personality development. We place particular emphasis on self-efficacy and self-responsibility.

Our principles:

Benevolent basic attitude: enter a space of trust where you and other men meet each other in a benevolent and supportive way. You come together to develop yourselves with the support of the group.

Ownership and responsibility of the group: Each man is responsible for his own path and decides for himself what he wants to work on in a trusted group setting. The group supports you in finding and developing your individual methods, strategies and conflict resolution models. At the same time, the group shares responsibility for the entire process.

Commitment: We commit to clear time agreements, discussion rules and open communication. These structures create a safe space for each participant and promote an atmosphere of trust and reliability.

This content has been machine translated.


OHMEGA Coaching Zülpicher Straße 218 50937 Köln

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