PHOTO: © (c) Moritz Haase

Mutti, was machst Du da?

In the organizer's words:
"The family is the smallest cell in society," was the saying not only in the GDR. But what does that even mean today? Who all is family? In Axel Ranisch's new comedy, which he is writing together with his husband Paul Zacher for the Berliner Ensemble, a wide variety of fates, people, generations and family constellations get stranded in the office of the apartment manager Braunert in Berlin-Lichtenberg: After all, everyone has to live. And what if we all moved in together? Maybe it would be nice if everyone didn't have their own ideas about the world, love and happiness. There's only one thing everyone agrees on: it's easier to bear with music.

The film and opera director Axel Ranisch works with Mutti, was machst du da? for the first time at the Berliner Ensemble. This content has been machine translated.


Berliner Ensemble Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1 10117 Berlin

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