PHOTO: © Georg Less © Dirk Skiba; Lara Rüter © Franz Grünewald; Sonja vom Brocke © RDick

Poesierundgang: Eine dichterische Reaktion auf das Werk von Galli

In the organizer's words:

The three poets Sonja vom Brocke, Georg Leß and Lara Rüter respond with their own texts to the works of the artist Galli in the exhibition See how you cope.

Galli's painting is literally populated by monsters and characterized by an almost aggressive physicality. She first found her expression in the 1980s, when the Neue Wilde were making a name for themselves. The view of her work remained obscured for a long time, and it is only in recent years that it has been appreciated, especially by a younger generation. Galli's brutally comical pictorial worlds repeatedly show the midst of a constant transformation, in which the final state has not yet been reached, the initial state has not yet been completely abandoned. From the very beginning, Galli's work has maintained a cross-genre exchange with the other arts, especially with poetry. Not only does she still live in literary Berlin-Friedenau today, she was also good friends with the poet Oskar Pastior, among others.

On the penultimate day of the exhibition, the three poets will take up Galli's images in their language, reflect on them and transform them - as a kind of homage finale.

In cooperation with the House of Poetry

As part of the Museum Sunday

This content has been machine translated.


PalaisPopulaire Unter den Linden 5 10117 Berlin

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