PHOTO: © Foto: Roland Baege

Themenabend: Geschlechterrollen im Film

In the organizer's words:


7:00 - 7:30 PM
GUIDED TOUR with Rebekka Seubert
19:30 - 21:00
LECTURE by Prof. Dr. Sophia Prinz: Between Resistance and Pink-Washing

Classic Hollywood cinema is a patriarchal machine: film reproduces social norms and ego ideals that cement the binary and hierarchy of the sexes. But where there is power, there is also resistance: the pleasurable play with established gender roles undermines the usual patterns of thought and perception. But Hollywood (and the culture industry as a whole) never sleeps. Forms of resistance are taken up at lightning speed, commercially packaged and defused in the process. Half-hearted strategies such as "pink washing" and "queerbaiting" are now being used to appeal to a queer audience, but without upsetting the usual image of society too much.

Prof. Dr. Sophia Prinz is a cultural theorist. She has been Professor of Design Theory and History at Zurich University of the Arts ZhdK since 2021.

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Dortmunder Kunstverein Rheinische Str. 1 44137 Dortmund

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