PHOTO: © Saar Magal © Wilfried Hösl

Valeska Gert Guest Professorship Saar Magal | Opening Lecture

In the organizer's words:

The seminar by Israeli choreographer Saar Magal explores the three monotheistic world religions from a philosophical and literary perspective: What are the powers of imagination that sustain the order and reality of the world? What happens when they lose their hold on living tradition? What brings change or leads away from it? Magal develops performative and scenic techniques with dance studies students in Berlin and physical theater students in Essen.

With Saar Magal, Lucia Ruprecht, Lindsey Drury

Cooperation: Freie Universität Berlin, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen

In English

This content has been machine translated.


Akademie der Künste | Hanseatenweg Hanseatenweg 10 10557 Berlin

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