PHOTO: © (C) Passarge

Vortrag: „Einbruchschutz für Privathäuser“

PICK OF THE DAY Spoken word
In the organizer's words:

Speakers: Björn Jantzen, BAB funding guide; Sven Mehrtens, local police authority

Organizer: BAB-The development bank for Bremen and Bremerhaven, local police authority Bremerhaven

Thanks to improved burglary protection, many burglaries are only attempted. From burglar-resistant windows, doors, grilles and roller shutters to alarm systems, many things are possible. Some measures, such as replacing windows, can be very useful in conjunction with energy-efficient renovation. What's more, burglary protection is significantly more heavily subsidized as part of an energy-efficient renovation.

But what should you look out for? Which measures make sense? Who can help?

We will address these questions in this presentation, which will also provide space for your individual questions.

This content has been machine translated.


Stadtbibliothek Bremerhaven Bürgermeister-Smidt-Straße 10 27568 Bremerhaven

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