PHOTO: © Stiftung Humboldt Forum im Berliner Schloss / Giuliani von Giese

Wunderkammer - Im Prinzip Hoffnung. 2: ETHIK

In the organizer's words:

The question of a "good life" is also the question of the inner compass that governs our actions: Ethics. How does conscience develop? According to which laws does it act? Where does this inner authority come from and how does it function, which has knowledge of what is good and is able to place this knowledge above immediate, personal interests? In view of frightening everyday behavior on the Internet and on the street - wouldn't ethical action also be a "mastery of the irrational?"

In the Humboldt Laboratory, this cabinet of curiosities of the 21st century, we explore exhibits and approach the topic from different perspectives: from the natural sciences and neurosciences, the humanities and theology. Which values navigate us through everyday life, conflict and living? What happens when values contradict each other, such as freedom and security? And what if it puts us in a dilemma ourselves? We also want to find this out - very concretely and by playing together - and put it into practice. Let us surprise you!

Last but not least: we will trace the traces of attention, listening, exchange and collaboration in music, in a musical encounter between West and East.


With the Director of the Institute for the History of Medicine and Science at the University of Lübeck Prof. Dr. med. Cornelius Borck, the religious researcher Prof. Dr. Ahmed Milad Karimi (University of Münster), the activist Juliane Baruck (Think&Do Tank Es geht los!) as well as the accordionist Silke Lange and the Sheng virtuoso Wu Wei.

Research and concept: Bernhard Glocksin and Sabrina Rossetto

Moderation: Bernhard Glocksin

Speakers: Cornelius Borck, Ahmed Milad Karimi, Juliane Baruck

Musicians: Silke Lange, Wu Wei

Ahmad MiladKarimi, born 1979 in Kabul, studied philosophy and Islamic studies at the University of Freiburg i.Br. and received his doctorate in 2012 with a thesis on Hegel and Heidegger. He is a full professor of Kalām, Islamic philosophy and mysticism at the University of Münster. Karimi is deputy director of the Center for Islamic Theology at the University of Münster, director of the Research Center for Theology of Artificial Intelligence (FSTKI) and director of the international Muhammad Iqbal Research Center.

Cornelius Borck is Professor of History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine and Natural Sciences and has headed the Institute for the History of Medicine and Science Studies at the University of Lübeck since 2007. He has been the spokesperson for the Center for Cultural Studies Research Lübeck (ZKFL) since 2011. After studying medicine, philosophy and neuroscience, his career has taken him to the MPI for the History of Science in Berlin, the Bauhaus University Weimar and McGill University in Montreal.

Juliane Baruck studied philosophy and political science. Since 2019, she has been managing political participation projects together with the Think & Do Tank Es geht LOS. Among other things, she designed and implemented the first lottery formats at universities in Germany. Since 2023, she has led the Hallo Bundestag project, in which randomly drawn residents of a constituency meet with their members of parliament to discuss pressing federal policy issues.

Silke Lange is an accordionist and synthesizer player. She studied accordion at the Hanns Eisler Academy of Music in Berlin. She is interested in new music and cross-genre projects. She is co-founder of the ensemble for new music LUX:NM. For their debut album "LUXUS" they were awarded on the best list of the German Record Critics. Since 2018 she has been playing in the trio for live electroacoustic music Lange//Berweck//Lorenz. In addition to new music, she is also dedicated to improvised music and sound art. She has performed at major festivals worldwide and is involved as a musician and performer in various international theater productions.

Wu Wei: The internationally active sheng virtuoso Wu Wei has played as a soloist with almost all leading orchestras worldwide such as the Berlin Philharmonic, the New York and Los Angeles Philharmonics and many more. He has worked with conductors such as Kent Nagano, Gustavo Dudamel, Susanna Malkki and others and has premiered more than 400 works, including 20 concertos for sheng and orchestra by John Cage, Toshio Hosokawa and Ruo Huang, among others. He also composes for the sheng as part of commissions. International appearances have taken him to the Royal Albert Hall, the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Theatre du Chatelet and many more. Wu Wei has won numerous prizes at competitions and for numerous recordings, including the International Classical Music Award. As an innovative soloist, he combines East and West and a wide range of music between classical, jazz, improvisation and so-called new music

- Price: 15,00 EUR. Please book your ticket online in advance.

- from 14 years

- Language: German

- Humboldt Laboratory, 1st floor

- Belongs to: After nature

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Humboldt Forum Schloßplatz 10178 Berlin

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