FOTO: © Willy the Clown


Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

A moment of wellness and harmony with a red-nose, oneself and the others.

A smile is a form of human expression that has extraordinary power over our physical and mental well-being. Scientific studies have shown that smiling triggers the release of endorphins, the brain's natural chemicals that promote feelings of happiness and reduce physical pain and stress. But the importance of a smile goes beyond biology. In literature, the smile often symbolizes hope, joy, and resilience. A smile represents a gesture of purity and kindness that breaks down emotional barriers. When we smile, we send a message of openness and welcome, joy of communication and connection with others. Moreover, smiling is an act of self-healing.

As the famous Charlie Chaplin said, "A day without a smile is a day wasted."


Antonio Villella


The practices we will do together include: breathing exercises, listening exercises, movement

meditation, sound meditation, improvisation, acting training in groups, body movement & of course clown practices.


Subscription here or more info:

Cost 90 euro on 28th (Still places)

Cost 110 euro on 29th (Sold out)

Drinks, snacks and red nose included. The studio has a small kitchen available during the one hour break.

The workshop will take place only if the minimum number of participants has been reached.



Berlin Berlin

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