The real distance between you and the people you don’t know is a warm “Hello.” Yet it feels daunting to take that first step, especially in-person.
This is what Timeleft is all about. We create opportunities for the magic of chance encounters. The conversations you would have missed, the people you wouldn’t have met. Safe moments to interact with people around you so that you can be more involved with the world you live in.
Free-fall into social possibilities without digital screens. Open up to the people around you without expectations. Start a conversation, spark a connection.
Go out for a dinner with strangers.
Take a chance, have a seat. And just say,
Ein einzelnes Ticket kostet 12,99 €. Die verfügbaren Abonnementpläne sind monatlich (19,99 €), quartalsweise (49,99 € alle drei Monate) oder halbjährlich (69,99 € alle sechs Monate).