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Propaganda Comedy and Burning Mic are proud to present Australian comedy legend Frenchy Comedy: Embrace the Chaos World Tour




Life is chaos. Comedy is chaos. At least the way Frenchy does it… The Australian rapscallion Frenchy is back with a brand-new stand-up show in which he embraces all the chaos of life, on stage. This is his 10 th year doing comedy full time, so he’s written his loosest, darkest show yet. He’s fluffed out his mullet, he’s sharpened up his abs, he’s even showered & he’s ready to tear it up in venues all over the world.


Doors at 7.30pm

Show starts at 8pm


Tickets are:

19,99€ for students (+fees, only with valid ID),

19,99€ Early Bird (+fees, till 08.09.),

26,99€ eventbrite pre-sale ticket (+fees),

19,99€ per person for groups of 4 or more people (+fees)


35€ at the door (if any seats left!!).

Teilnahmebedingungen für Gewinnspiele


Shamrock Munich Trautenwolfstraße 6 80802 München

Organizer | Kollektiv

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