#HiddenGarden feat. Kai Mayu + Detechtive

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Hidden Garden ist eine Veranstaltung auf Spendenbasis, ABER du musst 10€ Pfand an der Tür bezahlen, um deine Kopfhörer zu erhalten. Während des Konzerts entscheidest du dann, ob und wie viel du zurückhaben möchtest. Die gesamte Konzertreihe wird durch diese Spenden finanziert.

Bitte beachte auch, dass die Plätze begrenzt sind. Wenn du einen Platz buchst und dann nicht kommen kannst, storniere bitte dein Ticket, damit jemand anderes einen Platz buchen kann!


Hidden Garden is a dontaion based event, BUT, you need to pay 10€ deposit at the door to receive your headphones. During the concert you then decide how much, if any, you would like back. The entire concert series is financed from these donations.

Also, please note, places are limited. If you book a spot and then cannot make it, please cancel your ticket so someone else can book a spot!

Intime Silent-Konzerte in einer versteckten Gartenoase.

Eine kleine Bühne in einem schönen, versteckten Garten in Rixdorf. Jeden zweiten Mittwoch verwandeln wir sie in ein gemütliches Zuhause für die unglaublich talentierten lokalen Musiker, die sich ihren Weg durch die lokale Szene bahnen. Wir garantieren gute Musik, gute Stimmung und eine schöne Location. Wir haben Schirme für Regen, Decken für die Kälte und eine Bar für schlechte Laune.

Veranstaltungen auf Spendenbasis - Kunst ist für alle da. Du zahlst 10€ Pfand für die Kopfhörer und entscheidest während des Konzerts, wie viel du zurückhaben möchtest.

Sprachen: moderiert in englisch und deutsch (Künstler sprechen meist englisch)


Intimate silent concerts in a hidden garden oasis.

A small stage in a beautiful hidden garden in Rixdorf. Every second Wednesday we turn it into a cozy home for the incredibly talented local musicians making their way through the local scene. We guarantee good music, good vibes and a beautiful location. We have umbrellas for rain, blankets for the cold and a bar for bad moods.

Events on a donation basis - art is for everyone. You pay 10€ deposit for the headphones and decide during the concert how much you want back.

Language: moderated in English and German (artists mostly speak English)

Kai Mayu is a German-Peruvian guitarist and singer-songwriter. Growing up in Berlin and countries such as Costa Rica and Egypt, he was exposed to many cultural and musical influences at an early age. His name comes from the ancient language Quechua, which is still spoken in some Andean regions and by part of his family, and can be translated as "I am like the river". Like a river, Kai is also guided by his surroundings and constantly incorporates new influences into his music. Characterized by indie and rock influences, he released his first single in 2018 and a year later the first EP followed, which brought him concerts at festivals such as the Meeresrausch and MIT DIR Festival. In the years that followed, he collaborated with artists Kartini and Vincent Vedat, as well as producer Cellxy. This is how Kai Mayu found his way into pop-affine productions and began to musically integrate his South American origins. The result is an interface between modern pop productions, Latin American soundscapes and soft, distorted guitars. A pinch of John Mayer in a cocktail of Chet Faker and Bad Bunny.


Innovative - Mysterious - Moving
Indietronica artist Detechtive has been mixing up the German independent music scene since 2019.
Growing up in a small village in southern Germany, Detechtive’s artistic journey began during her studies in popular music in Freiburg, where she has embarked on a daring mission to create a new musical realm. Her aim is to push the limits of genres and sounds, by combining them like clues that lead to an innovative sonic experience.
This musical mission led her to Berlin in 2020, where she tirelessly experiments with new styles and unconventional sounds.
Detechtive’s path was strewn with a wide range of influences. Inspired by the shadowy allure of the electronic music scene, the warm and versatile sound of the clarinet and the endless possibilities of music production, she set out to achieve an ambitious goal—to craft a sound that seamlessly weaves together the threads of popular music, jazz and classical instruments.
At its core, Detechtive is a deeply personal project that delves into a range of themes, from societal ills such as sexism and hypercapitalism, to Detechtives’s own emotional journey. Each song is an unapologetic protest against the vapid and commercialized nature of much of today’s pop music.
Detechtive’s live performances are a mesmerizing experience: As the spotlight flickers to life, jazzy clarinet solos take center stage, accompanied by pulsating synth basses and groovy beats, that entangle the audience in a web of suspense. Detechtive’s vocals are like key witnesses, delivering thrilling tales with a voice that gives you goosebumps. Her lyrics, like cryptic messages from an informant, hint at hidden truths and buried emotions, beckoning the audience to delve further into the labyrinth of the human soul.
Be prepared to be swept away, for Detechtive will take you on a musical journey where mysteries lurk and secrets are revealed.


Hidden Garden ist eine Veranstaltung auf Spendenbasis, ABER du musst 10€ Pfand an der Tür bezahlen, um deine Kopfhörer zu erhalten. Während des Konzerts entscheidest du dann, ob und wie viel du zurückhaben möchtest. Die gesamte Konzertreihe wird durch diese Spenden finanziert. // Hidden Garden is a dontaion based event, BUT, you need to pay 10€ deposit at the door to receive your headphones. During the concert you then decide how much, if any, you would like back. The entire concert series is financed from these donations.


Silent Rixdorf Garten Wanzlikpfad 3 12043 Berlin


silent.move Berlin

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