Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Eine Ausstellung von Baixuan Chen, Eunji Song, Jiwon Song, Yua Adachi, Yiyuan Zhang

Vernissage: 12.09. von 18-22h
Schaufenster-Ausstellung: 13.-21.09. (täglich beleuchtet 8-23h)


Frankenstein did not give his creature a name. Is that ‘Being’ a monster, or just big baby without name? Didn’t Frankenstein care about it? How about us?

We think a lot for our work, including its content, value, form, materials, and the title. However, the work that is born from the artist’s hand becomes something independent from that moment. And it functions quite often differently from its original intention.

Because too timid to explain, because of language and cultural differences, because it is metaphorical, and etc. In the face of various reasons and situations, the work is interpreted differently and may even interfere with the artist’s intention.

So work is always new, ever-changing, unpredictable, timid, and yet very important. Just like a baby! What should we do with this difficult and precious ‘Baby’?

We have no choice but to try to understand each other by going through numerous errors and changes. Since we can’t treat accurately yet, we’d rather leave it blank: How to ____ Baby

Conceptually, the work of the five people is quite loosely connected. But rather, it is what makes this exhibition possible. Instead of showing ‘work’ and ‘subject of work,’ we want to show errors and misunderstandings surrounding the work.

In this space, the work can freely make errors and be misunderstood. The canvas is never hung on the wall, the video is uncomfortable to watch, and the sculptures...they are even difficult to tell whose work belongs to whom. It looks like a playroom that babies have messed up.

This confusing and comical scene makes the space feel like a moving and changing process rather than a complete place. In the face of this unfamiliar exhibition scene, what is important is no longer accurate answer. Rather, find your own words to fill in the following blank space‚ ‘How to ____ Baby.‘

Das Projekt wird vom Akademieverein gefördert.


NODEPRESSIONROOM Dachauer Straße 157 80636 München

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