Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

The key to improving your meditations is to improve your concentration. And the key component in that process is the practice of mindfulness. With stronger mindfulness we are able to hold our object of meditation and abide with it for longer and longer periods of time. With improved concentration we are able to absorb into our object so as to fully experience its our mind's life-enhancing, deeply relaxing, mentally pacifying and enriching benefits.

In this series, Miri will teach us how to vastly improve our meditation skills. And really everyone can learn to do this: It just takes a wish (which we will learn how to develop) and regular training (which we can easily integrate into our own schedule.)

Come along for this profound journey into your mind’s extraordinary potential! Everyone welcome.


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Kadampa Meditationszentrum - Eppendorf Erikastraße 99 20251 Hamburg

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