FOTO: © Minna Thiel


Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

InterCulturalExpress is about creating a place of encounter by being open, asking questions and sharing fun and interesting things about our cultures. Because we are curious, want to learn more about people with different cultural backgrounds, and thus get to know ourselves better.
Sofia from babylon bridge will host the evening!

This years topics:

February - What is considered "polite" in your culture?
March - What is a typical sport/dish/movie in your culture?
April - How do you greet in your culture?
May - What are Family dynamics in your culture?
Juny - What is the perception of time in your culture?
July - What is the typical dress codes in your culture?
August  - What are Celebrations in your culture?
September  - What are the  educational methods in your culture?
October - How do you show emotion in your culture?
November  - What was the first thing you were suprised about, first time in Germany? (for Germans-visiting another country)?
Dezember - Let`s celebrate with typical food from our countries of origin!



Beim InterCulturalExpress geht es darum einen Ort der Begegnung zu schaffen, indem wir offen sind, Fragen stellen und Lustiges und Interessantes über unsere Kulturen teilen. Weil wir neugierig sind, mehr über Menschen mit verschiedenen kulturellen Hintergründen erfahren wollen und somit uns selbst besser kennen lernen können.
Sofia von babylon bridge führt durch den Abend.
Jede:r ist herzlich willkommen! Lasst uns zusammen einen besonderen Abend erleben!


Minna Thiel Gabelsbergerstraße 80333 München

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