Brad Henkel – amplified trumpet
Dan Peter Sundland – electric bass, voice
Fabian Jung – drums, toys, electronics, voice
Monetise your friends, securitise your relationships. Moneyfriends will show you the true meaning of the word "value". With the financial instruments of amplified trumpet, electric bass, drums, toys and voices this is a business you can't afford not to invest in.
Speaking of investment; we are highly invested in our one-of-a-kind immersive, performative, theatrical, free-improvised, noisy anti-jazz, and are prepared to offer you an unmissable, one-time show that is guaranteed to pay dividends.
Our promise to our shareholders is a continuous twenty percent yearly ROI, based on the trajectory of our colourful toy decorations and our current genre-breaking improvising, dazzling stage show, all projected for a steady growth in the foreseeable future.
Moneyfriends' first album, "American Hangover", came out on Boomslang Records in 2024.
Eintritt frei – um angemessenen Kulturbeitrag wird gebeten.
Free entry – it is suggested to give some money if you like the band.
Das Peppi Guggenheim ist eine Raucherinnenbar! Einlass ab 18 Jahre!
The Peppi Guggenheim is a smoking bar! Admission from 18 years!
Live auf YouTube:
#Moneyfriends #BradHenkel #DanPeterSundland #FabianJung #Jazz #freeJazz #Improvisation #PeppiGuggenheim #Neukölln #Berlin #BerlinJazz #JazzNeukölln #JazzBerlin
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