Poetry Meets pres. Tank & the Bangas - The Heart, The Mind, The Soul

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Poetry Meets presents Tank And The Bangas' German leg of their Spoken Word Europe Tour for their newly released, Grammy-nominated album: The Heart, The Mind, The Soul.

With Opening acts: Melanelle B. C. Hémêfa, Savanna Morgan, Natalie Greffel and Toshín

More info TBA soon.



All entrances are barrier-free

There is a ramp for wheelchair users

Accessible parking spaces are available

Wheelchair accessible toilets availble

For people with sight impairments, we can organize a guide for you. Please send an email to team@poetrymeets.com with the subject 'ACCESSIBILITY FEB 25', at least one week prior to the event.


Festsaal Kreuzberg Am Flutgraben 2 12435 Berlin

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