Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

JOIN US for our inaugural mini summer festival series over two weekends with the goal of offering informational workshops and providing performance opportunities to develop and support stronger linked communities within the freelance artistic scene in Berlin. 

The first weekend includes a full day of workshops on production and integration designed to assist artists settling into the German scene. 

The festival continues the following weekend including performances by Berlin and NYC-based artists Pau Aran, Dominique Mcdougal and Pamela Pietro hosted at AckerstadtPalast. 

WORKSHOP SCHEDULE @ SaliGari Bar Simplonstr.23 on July 19th

➡️ Workshop 1: 2pm - 3:30pm // Entering & Staying in the German System by Angela Fegers

Learn tips and tricks for moving abroad and entering AND STAYING in the German system. Visa hacks, KSK tips, Social Security infos, Permanent Residency/ long term goals and new perspectives for taking a leap into your new home.

🥗 Lunch: 3:30 pm - 4:15pm // Vegan Lunch on the Apricots if you sign up for the whole day!

➡️ Workshop 2: 4:15pm -5:45pm // The Art of Budgeting and Production by Nadine Freisleben

Learn tips and tricks for budgeting for your life or show into the German system. Learn hacks to stay afloat in hard times and opportunties to make these difficult times easier, along with production tips and tricks from A to Z.

🍸 Happy Hour: 5:45pm - 7:00pm // Join us for one free drink on Apricot Productions if you participate in both seminars!


Full Day - 75 euros plus VAT

Includes: 2 workshops, Lunch, 1 coffee or tea, 1 free ticket to our Triple Bill performance on July 27th/28th as part of our mini-series festival

1 Workshop - 35 euros plus VAT Includes:1 tea or coffee

Tickets for the Workshop 

PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE  @ Acker Stadt Palast 169/170 10115

July 27th, 2024 

8:00 pm - Performances by Pau Aran, Dominique McDougal and Pamela Pietro

9:30 pm - Talk Back led by Angela Fegers and Nadine Freisleben

July 28th 2024

6:00 pm- Performances by Pau Aran and Pamela Pietro

7:30 pm-10:00 pm-  Closing party


Tickets for the performance only 

For any questions email us at info@apricot-productions.com


See you there!








Plus 19% VAT


SaliGari Bar Simplonstraße 23 10245 Berlin

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