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Tragedy: All Metal Tribute to the Bee Gees & Beyond -from NYC (US)
Disco meets Metal –ja, richtig gelesen! Die New Yorker Band Tragedy (USA) bringt das wohl absurdeste und trashigste Tribute-Show-Konzept, dasDu Dir träumen lassen hast!Disco Hits wie «Stayin’ Alive», «You’re The One That I Want», «Sweet Caroline», «Le Freak», «Hot Stuff» oder «Venus» neu aufgelegt in einer Heavy-Metal-Bearbeitung, welche an Judas Priest, Mötley Crue und Guns’N‘Roses erinnern.Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden) sagt über die Band: "Tragedy rocks sweet balls and can do no wrong! They are great fun!" -und die Kritiken der globalen Musikpresse überschäumen förmlich: «Die Truppe ist weit davon entfernt, eine Scherznummer zu sein;sie sind schlicht genial», «ungeheuer talentiert», «nuanciert und vielschichtig», «harte Riffs und oktavierende Harmonien, als ob sie die Bee Gees des Hair Metal wären»! Und so weiter und so fort. Das Konzept von Tragedy ist zwar subversiv und humorvoll, geht aber weit über das hinaus, was andere in der satirischen Musik gemacht haben -sie zelebrieren die Seele des Originalsongs, während sie die Klanglandschaft auf den Kopf stellen.Schlichtweg überzeugend!Und nun überzeugt Euch selbst -hereinspaziert zur skurrilen Metal-Disco Party, denn eine Tragedy läßt keinen ruhig. Es wird wild! Also –nicht verpassen!!!
Bruce Dickinson, Iron Maiden
"Tragedy rocks sweet balls and can do no wrong! They are great fun!"All About the Rock"Far from being a novelty act, these guys are GENIUS. If they don't put a smile on your face, you must be dead inside"
Metal Hammer
"Camp as a row of tents, and with more hooks than hell's cloakroom, Tragedy guarantee it."Tiny Mix Tapes"Tragedy manage to dwell in the realm of novelty while far exceeding their worth as aconcept...the aesthetic is somewhere in between the flamboyance of the disco-era Bee Gees and the flamboyance of mid-eighties hair metal, with some extra flamboyance thrown in for the sake of flamboyance.”
The Sun, UK
“Hard riffs, tight white flares, and even tighter octave-scraping harmonies...essentiallistening.”
Metal Rules
"The greatest heavy-metal-meets-disco party you could possibly wish for."
“Back in the dark days of disco, the Bee Gees were the shit, despite having massive teeth, bigger hair and a falsetto only dogs could hear...with the righteous power ofheavy metal, We Rock Sweet Balls and Can Do No Wrong mixes Guns ‘N’ Roses swagger, the Scorpions’ sense of pomp and Judas Priest-esque vocals to create asound that is exactly like The Darkness!”
“You’re the One That I Want” Heavy Metal Tribute to ‘Grease’ is as great as it sounds. They created a music video for the cover, and it is exactly what you’d think a heavy metal version of Grease would look like. Between the crazy outfits, wild hair, air guitars, and locker room parties, the only question left to ask is, why hasn’t this idea been adapted into a full length movie yet? We want more!"
"One of the hottest videos. These kids aren’t the leather jacket-wearing greasers from the ’50s, but rather a modernized hard rock band of brothers attending the Our Lady of Perpetual Decimation high school. When the leader, Disco Mountain Man, arrives back in the halls, he’s greeted by his buddies who ask him what he’s been up to all summer. And much like Grease,it’s revealed that he met up with a girl. But this is no poodle-skirt wearing young lady. Instead, it’s an anarchy-loving blonde bombshell decked out in black and red. What follows is a re-imagined version of the song, with an ominous opening bass line and killer vocals from Mountain Man reminiscent of some of ’80s metal."
"Decked in their hair-metal finest, with no can of Aqua-Net spared, Tragedy frolic on the beach, woo their ladies and then unleash their thrash chops in the most anarchistic pep rally this side of "Smells Like Teen Spirit." The result is hilarious and arguably even more heartwarming than the original, not least for the visual pun unleashed on the line 'it's electrifying.”
Guitar World
"Tragedy: All Metal Tribute to the Bee Gees & Beyond has indeed pulled off a spot-on hair-metal spoof of the song, complete with a locker-room scene that takes place at Our Lady of Perpetual Decimation High School."USA Today"A note-perfect hair-metal spoof of You’re the One That I Want, complete with a locker scene set at Our Lady of Perpetual Decimation High School. Only instead of pony tails and poodle skirts, the girls have teased hair and tattered Hot Topic outfits. You'll never see Danny and Sandy the same after this metal 'Grease' cover."
The Band
Disco Mountain Man --lead vocals, lead keyboards
Mo'Royce Peterson --lead vocals, lead guitar
Andy Gibbous Waning --lead bass, lead vocals
Garry Bibb --lead guitar, lead vocals
The Lord Gibbeth --lead drums
Lance --towel boy, complete idiot



Pitcher - Rock'n'Roll Headquarter Düsseldorf Oberbilker Allee 29 40215 Düsseldorf

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