Under the Surface

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

We would like to cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition "Under the Surface" with works by the artists Lisa Glauer, Sabine Laidig, Katrin von Lehmann, Gudrun Petersdorff and  Mile Saula on 28 June at 6 pm.

In summertime, a magical atmosphere unfolds that slows down the pulse of everyday life and creates space for the poetry of life. The long days stretch out over the world with a golden brushstroke. A sense of freedom and possibility weaves through the air as people break their usual rhythm and immerse themselves in the promise of holidays.
Kang Contemporary tunes into the feeling of summer and wants to express the diversity of its creativity. In ‘Under the Surface’, the gallery becomes an open stage in which art enters into dialogue with the summery feelings of the city: Sabine Laidig, Mile Saula, Gudrun Petersdorff, Katrin von Lehmann and Lisa Glauer use painting and drawing in very different ways to trace the sensory and imaginative qualities of two-dimensional media. At the centre of their positions at the interface of abstract art, landscape painting and artistic research is art as a shimmering medium of experience that appeals to the senses. Behind the sensually appealing surfaces of the works lies a profound examination of their artistic subjects.



Kang Contemporary Gallery Lindenstraße 90 10969 Berlin


KANG Contemporary

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