FOTO: © Adam Giles Levy

Wohnzimmerkonzert mit Adam Giles Levy

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Live-Musik im NIO House. Wir laden dich ein – zum Lauschen, Fühlen und neue Künstler entdecken. Denn unsere NIO Houses sind ein Schauplatz für Kunst und ein Treffpunkt für alle, die sich inspirieren lassen möchten und Freude an Kreativität haben. Gemeinsam mit SofaConcerts und vielen Partner-Künstlern bieten wir dir ein vielfältiges und stetig wechselndes Musikprogramm an, das zum Verweilen bei uns einlädt. Komm vorbei und mach es dir bei entspannter Atmosphäre gemütlich.

Adam Giles Levy is an English singer-songwriter with a sensational voice and mighty acoustic riffs. Creating a killer blend of power folk and post blues, his sound is as if acoustic-phase Led Zeppelin, Jack White III and Ben Howard morphed together. A lover of the road, Adam has toured independently across Europe, supported class acts like Steve Hackett (Genesis), Mike Dawes, and Noah Gundersen and most recently appeared as the special guest on US blues-rock heavyweight, Mike Zito’s 21 date UK and EU Tour.

A force of nature on stage, Adam’s wildly unorthodox acoustic guitar style is the perfect conversation starter for when he comes off it. Thought provoking lyrics, fuelled by a crazy life full of sharp changes of direction and a penchant for reading. The result is a rare integrity and authenticity in his compositions which’ll have you painting pictures in your mind for days.

A multiple times BBC Introducing featured artist, songs from Adam’s three releases, including his indie-label-backed debut LP, Wake of Disarray (2022, Hillside Global) have received airplay on independent radio across the US, UK, Canada and Europe. Adam’s live performance on the national Spanish music programme “Conciertos de Radio 3” is available to watch on YouTube.

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