I’m Nita Bon Air, the Erotic Fusion of Elegance and Acrobatic Flair.
Born in Argentina and charged with the fiery spirit of my Italian heritage, I perform as a Burlesque Dancer, Fire Artist, and Interdisciplinary Dancer. I like to combine the elegance of Burlesque, the daring spirit of Circus, and the fluidity of Dance. My performances are an enjoyable journey through movement, sensuality, playfulness, and engagement with the audience, igniting the stage with energy and allure.
Papperlapapp Comedy Club
VeranstaltungsreiheEchtzeit Comedy - Stand…
VeranstaltungsreiheJazz Kitchen Hamburg
VeranstaltungsreiheHAHA Comedy
VeranstaltungsreihePop-Up Doppeltes Lottch…
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VeranstaltungsreiheGoldene Jahre - Kölner …
VeranstaltungsreiheTöurcher en Kölle un dr…
VeranstaltungsreiheEventküche Marieneck
VeranstaltungsreiheDie Comedy WerkStatt
VeranstaltungsreihePunchline Comedy
VeranstaltungsreiheQuiznights @ Echtzeit
VeranstaltungsreiheLOVEPOP - Queer Clubbing
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VeranstaltungsreiheComedy Light
VeranstaltungsreiheLOLdenburg Stand Up Com…
VeranstaltungsreiheSocial Melting Pot Colo…
VeranstaltungsreiheFilmreihe HEIMSPIEL mit…