Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Join us for an Open Improv Jam, an event designed for everyone who loves to engage in playful improvisation!

Get ready to unleash your creativity as we come together to improvise in English. Whether you're an experienced performer or completely new to improv theatre, this event is perfect for you. It's your chance to step into the spotlight and experience the thrill of being on stage!

Prepare for an exciting and diverse lineup of scenes, ensuring a colorful and dynamic experience for all. Our improv mantra is a resounding "Yes!" as we embrace spontaneity and collaboration.

Not keen on taking the stage? No worries!

You're more than welcome to sit back, watch, and cheer on the performers.

There's no pressure to participate if you'd rather enjoy the show from the audience.

Mark your calendars and join us for an unforgettable night of open improv jamming. Let your imagination run wild and let's create some magical moments together!

Tickets available at:https://www.expatimprov.com/open-stage/

Bar and Restaurant open at 5 pm for drinks and dinner!





Teilnahmebedingungen für Gewinnspiele


hirschchen Alt-Pempelfort 2 40211 Düsseldorf


Albert Schimmel Köln

Organizer | Sonstiges

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