The poet and activist Alla Gutnikova will read her own works reflecting on her experiences of state violence and repression in contemporary Russia as a dissident and ex-political prisoner in exile. Her words and activism extend beyond the specific circumstances of the rise of authoritarianism in Russia to a personal confrontation with unjust authority wherever it presents itself.
Marian Horak
AuthorHeinz Strunk
AuthorMach Dein Eigenes Buch
AuthorSophie Passmann
AuthorPhia Quantius
AuthorAnne Kanis
AuthorManfred Geier
AuthorAlex Capus
AuthorStefan Schenkl Lesungen
AuthorDas Leuchten Asiens
AuthorLucas Vogelsang
AuthorJulian Larger
AuthorProf. Dr. Harald Lesch
AuthorCarla Kaspari
AuthorMaja Das Gupta
AuthorMarcus A. Fahrenwaldt
AuthorLucia Jay von Seldeneck