Francos Pain
PHOTO: © stubnitz

Francos Pain

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This is what it sounds like
Francos Pain Cover Image

Fat Face - Francos Pain

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In the artist's words:

Franco's Pain fuses diverse influences, from the post-rock ballads of the 80s to the indie rock sounds of the 2010s and hip-hop-infused vocals of the 90s, giving each element its own distinctive edge.

True to the spirit of the DIY approach, he has undergone tremendous artistic development since the release of his first studio album "Don't Freak Out But Remember to Play" in 2020 and is now ready to present his new album, which will be released later this year on his own label All Butter, to the world! Equipped with a new live set-up and a repertoire full of fresh music, Franco's Pain is going on tour and is looking forward to seeing you dance at one of his gigs!

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