Lucas Vogelsang
PHOTO: © keep on/Ronja Hartmann

Lucas Vogelsang

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In the artist's words:

Lucas Vogelsang is one of the most successful reporters of his generation. He has written for the Tagesspiegel, Zeit, Welt, Welt am Sonntag, Playboy and 11Freunde, among others. He was awarded the Henri Nannen Prize in 2010 and the German Reporter Prize in 2013. In 2015, he was awarded the Hansel Mieth Prize for his reportage on his apartment block in Berlin's Wedding district. In 2017, his bestseller "Heimaterde. A world tour through Germany". His acclaimed soccer book "ZEITLUPEN" followed in 2021. Because soccer writes the best stories." Since 2017, he has been part of the weekly podcast FUSSBALL MML alongside Micky Beisenherz and Maik Nöcker.

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