Marian Horak is a writer and teacher from Düsseldorf.
In his first novel "Zwie Bier am Bahnsteig", he traces the personal development of the protagonist in the context of a new love. Set in Berlin in the winter of 2016/17, the work addresses social and philosophical issues ranging from self-realization to social division and racism in the context of the terrorist attack on Breitscheidplatz.
Heinz Strunk
AuthorAlla Gutnikova
AuthorLucia Jay von Seldeneck
AuthorMach Dein Eigenes Buch
AuthorSophie Passmann
AuthorPhia Quantius
AuthorAnne Kanis
AuthorManfred Geier
AuthorAlex Capus
AuthorStefan Schenkl Lesungen
AuthorDas Leuchten Asiens
AuthorLucas Vogelsang
AuthorJulian Larger
AuthorProf. Dr. Harald Lesch
AuthorCarla Kaspari
AuthorMaja Das Gupta
AuthorMarcus A. Fahrenwaldt