Pretty Playful Productions is a heterogeneous collective that occupies a niche in the independent dance scene in Bremen with a focus on dance theater for a young audience. The trio Schlösser/ Röder/ von Schönberg combines dance, choreography, sculpture and performance art. Their approaches complement each other, process-oriented work meets conceptual, abstract meets figurative and stylized aesthetics meet organic movements. As freelance artists, they have been working regularly on various formats and projects for 5 years. Their work is characterized by an exploratory, interdisciplinary and interactively open attitude.
copy & waste
CollectivePrinzip Rauschen
CollectiveMerle | Mischke | Klee
CollectiveRenae Shadler & Collabo…
CollectiveNo Limits
CollectiveSchwarmintelligenz - da…
CollectiveDIE mARkT
CollectiveNur mit den Echten
CollectiveEine ART Cabaret
Collectivehouse of lolo
CollectiveOpen House presents: Pl…
CollectiveUNAME Design - Jewelry
CollectiveDynablaster Sound
CollectiveEntre Trópicos
CollectiveBrandt Brauer Frick