The Volksspielbühne Thalia is the oldest and one of the largest and most respected amateur theaters in Hamburg. It was founded in 1879; the first play was performed in the mid-1880s. However, it was not until the beginning of the 20th century that things really took off: on October 14, 1909, Thalia performed for the first time in the then famous "Conventgarten" in Hamburg's city center. Plays by Hauptmann and Ibsen were staged as well as Low German classics. A performance of Maxim Gorky's "Nachtasyl", which attracted 2000 spectators to the theater hall, was the most popular at the time.
In a season - usually October to May - we perform at least 4 plays on 4 days each (Thu, Fri, Sat 7:30 pm and Sun 6:00 pm) in the theater at Marschnerstraße 46. Comedy, drama, folk plays, crime thrillers - our offer to audiences and subscribers is diverse.
This content has been machine translated.4 x in einer Saison 4 Vorstellungen im Theater an der Marschnerstraße
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