The year is still young and tender - but don't worry. For all those who love planning, leisure and finesse, this blog article is like Christmas and a birthday combined.

We all know: The most beautiful city on the Spree is the cultural epicenter of the entire nation, but to make sure you're on top of everything that's happening in and around Berlin (or that interests Berliners), you should devour this blog article now. You can thank us later.


© Lisa Nguyen
Fr, 27.09.2024 19:00
31,00 €

Watch out, the 4 Boys are the reincarnation of soft indie pop. At the end of October there was a new record and now the corresponding tour. The band from Stuggi combines the warming Californian sun, a hefty portion of funk and honey-sweet melancholic lyrics. All in all a musical 10/10. Go there, buy tickets! Or get lucky with our raffle.

Blond • Perlen Tour

Blond  •  Perlen Tour
© Landstreicher
Sa, 02.12.2023 19:00
32,60 to 37,00 €

This band has not only played at our festival, but is also storming the charts, clearing away prizes and making clear, without pointing fingers, which grievances the industry & society still has to work through. The big tour for the new record by Nina and Lotta Kummer, as well as Johann Bonitz. See you there!


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