Summer calls for open air cinema! Even though the sun has been rather slow to show its face in Hamburg so far, we are not giving up hope and are looking forward to wonderful movie nights under the stars. Because Hamburg once again has some of the best open-air locations to offer this year, including a colorful film program for outdoor cinema evenings. Whether you're in the mood for Hollywood blockbusters, indie films or classics - the Hanseatic city has the right open-air cinema and the right show for every taste. That's why, in this blog article, we present the top open-air cinemas in Hamburg 2024 that have never disappointed us in recent years and have reliably delivered special evenings. So get out your notebook, your note app, take screenshots or mark the dates in red in your calendar and let your friends and movie fans know. Then go shopping for popcorn and coke, maybe pack a rain jacket and off you go to the open-air cinema!

The best open-air cinemas in Hamburg 2024

Open Air


© Stephen McFadden via Unsplash
None Hamburg

ElbFilmKunst wants to expand the cultural offerings in the western districts of the city and therefore shows movies and short films at "natural locations" in and around Altona.

Open Air

Zeise Open Air Kino

Zeise Open Air Kino
© Corina Rainer via Unsplash
None Hamburg

The Zeise Open Air, which we love, shows a huge film program at the Altona town hall every summer. Even Hamburg's bad weather can't spoil the movie experience, as some of the seating areas are even covered.

Open Air

filmRaum Open Air Kino

filmRaum Open Air Kino
© Aneta Pawlik via Unsplash
Hagenbeckstraße 39
22527 Hamburg

The filmRaum Open Air shows a wonderful film program in Eimsbüttel's Stadtpark from Wednesdays to Saturdays. The best thing about it: the screenings are free every Friday.


LOTTO Hamburg Open-Air-SchanzenKino

LOTTO Hamburg Open-Air-SchanzenKino
Sternschanze 1
20357 Hamburg

Probably the largest open-air cinema in Hamburg has two screenings per evening on its program again this year. And almost every day, with a huge selection of snacks and drinks. Then a round on the Schulterblatt afterwards? No problem.


HausDrei // Stadtteilkulturzentrum in Altona-Altstadt

HausDrei // Stadtteilkulturzentrum in Altona-Altstadt
© Ronja Schweer

HausDrei Stadtteilkulturzentrum is also showing two films open air this year that have been lovingly curated and that you probably didn't have on your radar yet.

Frequently asked questions about open-air cinemas in Hamburg 2024

1. are there still dates and locations for drive-in cinema 2024 in Hamburg?

At the time of going to press (3.7.24), we have no further dates for Drive-in Cinema 2024 in Hamburg.

2. when does the 2024 open-air cinema season start in Hamburg?

The ElbFilmKunst Open Air Cinema has been running since June 15 and the screenings at the Zeise Open Air Cinema at Altona Town Hall also started on July 1. The filmRaum Open Air Cinema starts on July 17, the Schanzenkino Open Air on July 20 and the two open air cinema screenings at HausDrei are on August 2 and 9. Dates for the Binnenalster Filmfest and the 3001 Kino Open Air Filmnächte have not yet been set as of the editorial deadline.

3. what should I bring to the open-air cinema in Hamburg 2024?

Vary depending on the open-air cinema in Hamburg: Some cinemas do not have seating, so it is advisable to bring blankets or chairs. Bringing food and drinks is prohibited at most open-air cinemas, but there is often a catering service on site. Detailed information can be found on the websites of the respective venues. However, warm clothing is always recommended for cool evenings and of course you should not forget your favorite movie friends at home.

To the website of the ElbFilmKunst Open Air Cinema

To the website of the Zeise Open Air Cinema

To the website of the filmRaum Open Air Cinema

To the Schanzenkino Open Air Cinema website

4. will the film screenings at the open-air cinemas in Hamburg 2024 also take place in bad weather?

Whether the film screenings take place in bad weather also varies in Hamburg depending on the cinema. At the Zeise Open Air Cinema, however, part of the seating area is also covered, which means that screenings take place whatever the weather. To be on the safe side, you can check the website of the other open-air cinemas on the day of the event, as they will communicate any potential cancellations.

5. will the Binnenalster Film Festival and the 3001 Open Air Cinema take place in Hamburg again in 2024?

No dates are known at the time of going to press. You can find detailed information on the relevant websites.

To the website of Filmfest Hamburg

To the website of the 3001 cinema

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