PHOTO: © Jan Roeder

2. Fuck-Up-Night für die Demokratie – Bayern: Versuch einer neuen Fehlerkultur in der Politik

In the organizer's words:

You learn from your mistakes, as the saying goes. We all know this phrase and many of us take it to heart as a personal guiding principle. And yet we often only realize very late on what we have actually learned from our own mistakes. But why does this take so long? Not least because we rarely talk about our mistakes - because failure is still considered a social taboo.

However, dealing openly with mistakes is not only helpful in coming to terms with our personal and professional missteps. In a social context, a good error culture is particularly important to show that nobody is infallible - not even professional politicians. That's why we are presenting the 2nd Fuck-Up Night for Democracy - Bavaria with political consultant & digital expert Martin Fuchs, who has revamped the concept, which originally comes from the start-up scene, for the German political sphere:

In entertaining contributions, state politicians from Bavaria talk about their personal missteps, reflect on them and reveal what they and we could learn from them if failure, new beginnings and public learning from mistakes were more part of the political landscape.

Mockery and malice, which politicians often receive from political rivals or the media when they make public admissions of failure, have no place at the Fuck-Up Night for Democracy - Bavaria . Humor and appreciation for the transparent handling of political missteps, on the other hand, do.

With: Florian Streibl (MdL and parliamentary group leader FREIE WÄHLER),
Anna Rasehorn (Member of Parliament and Deputy Leader of the SPD parliamentary group),
Sanne Kurz (MdL Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen),
Kerstin Schreyer (former Minister of State and Member of the CSU)

Moderation: Martin Fuchs (political consultant & digital expert)

This content has been machine translated.


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