In the organizer's words:

On Saturday, 28 and Sunday, 29 September, from 12 to 5 p.m., the kite festival in Riemer Park below the toboggan hill once again invites children and families to a colorful and creative weekend.

The kite festival offers numerous exciting workshops where children can build their own flyable kites in various sizes and colors under expert guidance. The finished kites are then individually decorated and tuned in the design studio to make them unique.

Under the motto "Anything that flies - or doesn't!", the inventors' workshop invites all creative minds to design small, fun flying objects from various materials. Imagination and craftsmanship are required here.

For the slightly older children, there is the boomerang workshop, where a functioning boomerang is made from a piece of wood with a lot of patience.

On the large kite meadow, you can try out all the kites and flying objects you have built yourself or brought along. If the wind is favorable, the sky above Riemer Park will once again be filled with a variety of kites and flying objects in all shapes, colors and sizes.

Another highlight is the cloud art workshop, where figures and faces can be discovered and artistically captured in the clouds.

Particularly spectacular this year is a large captive balloon that will be fixed to the ground. This balloon can be viewed and played with from the inside - an unforgettable experience for young and old.

The Quax/Echo e.V. play bus team will also provide plenty of entertainment alongside the kite workshops with lots of fun and exciting games.

Participation in the various activities is free of charge, except for the material costs for the self-built kites. Depending on the activity and tools used, there is a minimum age limit for some workshops.

Please note: The kite festival cannot take place in the event of storms or heavy rain.

The 29th kite festival is organized by Kultur & Spielraum e.V. on behalf of the Stadtjugendamt / Jugendkulturwerk München.

This content has been machine translated.


Location | Other

München München

Organizer | Miscellaneous

Kultur und Spielraum e.V.
Kultur und Spielraum e.V. Köln

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