PHOTO: © 5'i bir yerde


In the organizer's words:

5'i Bir Yerde

Almanya'nin önde gelen 5 türk stand-up'çisi türkçe sahneye çikiyor:
Fatih Çevikkollu, Serhat Dogan, Sertaç Mutlu, Aydin Isik ve Kadir Zeyrek.

Senelerdir Almanya'nin hemen hemen her sehrinde almanca yaptiklari gösterilerle sahneleri dolduran bu komedyenler bu sefer hep beraber sahne aliyorlar, hem de türkçe stand-up yapmak için.

Beraber ilk gösterilerini Eylül ayinda yapan besli seyircilerin istegi üzerine Almanya'nin farkli sehirlerinde sahne alacaklar.

Almanya'da yasayan gurbetçilerin dünyaya bakis açilarindan, Türkiye'deki akrabalarin bize "almanci" tavirlarina, alman komsularla yasanan problemlerden, kadin-erkek çatismalarina, sosyal tartismalardan futbola kadar bir çok konuyu mizahi yönden ele alan komedyenler seyircilerine 2 saatlik kahkaha dolu bir aksam yasatiyorlar

Biletleri tükenmeden alin!

Turkish stand-up

Five Turkish stand-up comedians perform in Turkish:
Fatih Çevikkollu, Serhat Dogan, Sertaç Mutlu, Aydin Isik and Kadir Zeyrek.

For years, these comedians have been filling almost every stage in Germany with their shows in German. This time, however, they are performing together to do stand-up in Turkish.

Their first show together took place in September 2023 and due to audience demand, they will now be performing in various cities across Germany.

From the perspective of Turkish migrants living in Germany on the world, to the behavior of relatives in Turkey who call us "Deutschländer", to problems with German neighbors, gender conflicts, social discussions and soccer - these comedians deal with a variety of topics humorously and give their audience a two-hour, laugh-filled evening.

This content has been machine translated.


Bahnhof Langendreer Wallbaumweg 108 44894 Bochum

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