PHOTO: © Klaus Polkowski

A-Cappella-Nacht 2024

You cannot miss this event.
In the organizer's words:

with Ringmasters and Anders

The a cappella night at the Zelt-Musik-Festival Freiburg is of course a must in the anniversary year. And so the Swedish band Ringmasters and the Freiburg formation Anders will be on stage for the first time! As every year, this unique concert evening is a very special highlight of the ZMF summer.

Be there live when the Ringmasters and Anders breathe life into the circus tent and enchant the audience with their voices.

Ringmasters- It's showtime!

Have you already had your Ringmasters experience? The new show by the four terrific singers and entertainers from Stockholm now offers the opportunity to do so again. Ringmasters bring a new version of their extraordinary a cappella mix to the stage. The likeable Swedes once again perform hits from today and the past in a powerful and overwhelming vocal style that has never been heard before: Crass chords, heavenly blending, virtuoso presentation. And, of course, musical harmony in a class of its own.

The four heartbreakers invite the audience to a feast full of a cappella variety. You can look forward to groovy jazz standards, unforgettable songs from the world of musicals and gems from Disney films, as well as classics from the Beatles, Beach Boys and Abba. The uniquely broad repertoire of the world champions of barbershop also includes songs that the four boys grew up with, e.g. from classical choral music. Or the odd snappy Swedish folk song. And if you're lucky, the charmers might even sing a German song. A song selection could hardly be more varied. They have already learned and perfected how to wrap the audience around their fingers with a partly German presentation.

An evening with Ringmasters is one thing above all: very authentic, full of energy, and perhaps that is precisely why it is so sublime and uplifting. In any case, he leaves the audience in a state of ecstasy, including a good dose of goosebumps.


In German-language pop music, big names such as Clueso, Kraftclub, Cro and Joris are shaping the great songwriter music culture of the New German Poets.
The Freiburg vocal band Anders can be seen in the same musical context. They are Germany's a cappella German poets.

Their style: catchy melodies and intelligent lyrics. Anders write smart pop songs in German that take the a cappella performance form seriously and are more than just instrument-imitating cover songs of current chart hits or nostalgic songs about the flora on the balcony. They not only delight their audiences at their own concerts, but have also opened for bands such as Revolverheld and Thees Uhlmann.

With their new program "Kurzurlaub", the Freiburgers present what they do best: Songs that touch. And once again, across the board.
The five singers become musical narrators who write their own stories, sometimes melancholy and profound, sometimes humorous and ironic and sometimes heartbreakingly funny. In a poetic way, they become observers of the normal madness that is called life. It's about love, loss, grief, heartbreak, but also about friendship, hope and the unshakeably optimistic view of the future - in short: about the big and small feelings that make us human.

The five singers approach all of this with an unmistakably self-deprecating and humorous style that reveals that they take their art very seriously, but not themselves quite so seriously.

With their program, the Freiburg song poets promise us a "short break" for the heart, mind and soul, a journey out of everyday life and into the musical emotional world of the five singers - which quickly becomes our own. Where will the journey take us? Well, to happiness of course! So grab your favorite person and treat yourself to 90 minutes of musical relaxation with Anders - right on your doorstep, in the concert hall of your choice.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:



Zelt-Musik-Festival Mundenhofer Straße 79111 Freiburg im Breisgau

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