PHOTO: © Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra (Photo by Arnaud Ele)

Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra - Benefizkonzert für Malawi

In the organizer's words:

Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra
Benefit concert for Malawi

The Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra (AMEO) is considered one of the most distinctive large ensembles on the international scene - "no other ensemble in the world sounds like them" (Süddeutsche Zeitung).

"No other ensemble in the world sounds like them" (Süddeutsche Zeitung)

"It's not often you can say with such certainty that you won't have heard anything quite like this in a while." (DJ Mag)

After four acclaimed albums and well over 200 concerts in 25 countries on four continents (including Roskilde Festival, Berghain, Elbphilharmonie, Paradiso Amsterdam, Jazzfest Cairo and many more), the orchestra is currently on tour throughout Germany and Austria. AMEO mainly plays compositions by its founder Daniel Glatzel, which always transcend and expand musical boundaries. His music has been constantly reinventing itself since the orchestra was founded in 2006 - hardly any other band has explored, experienced and brought together so many styles, attitudes and musical colors in such a unique way.

Music from Malawi has also significantly shaped the orchestra's repertoire, including through a collaboration with Malawian musicians that was performed in six cities in Germany and Malawi in 2016.
In Malawi, cyclones and droughts have led to devastating consequences for the rural population of the East African country in recent years, largely unnoticed by the Western media. In 2024, there were again periods of severe weather with record droughts in the south and flooding in the north of the country. A state of disaster was declared in 23 of Malawi's 28 districts.

These effects of climate change caused by the industrialized nations are exacerbated by an extreme inflation rate and the additional devaluation of the Malawian currency, the kwacha, by 25% against the euro in 2022 and by a further 44% in 2023.

With this benefit concert in Frankfurt's Wartburgkirche, the AMEO would like to draw attention to the situation in Malawi: It is setting an example of support and donating its fee to local aid projects that are intended tolead to self-empowerment and independence for small farmers - in this case by purchasing new solar water pumps for more flexible harvesting.

The partner institution for this project is the URAHA Foundation, which is based at the Senckenberg Research Institute in Frankfurt am Main and has been active on the ground in Malawi for decades under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schrenk - for example, a museum and a radio station have already been built in northern Karonga, which are used and operated by the Malawian population.

Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra - Benefit concert for Malawi
Wartburg Church, Frankfurt
Hartmann-Ibach-Straße 108
60389 Frankfurt am Main

October 13, 2024
Admission: 5.30 pm
Start: 18.00 hrs

Free admission -
donations for the project in Malawi are requested!

Tickets on this page support the technical costs for the concert.

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Wartburgkirche Hartmann-Ibach-Straße 108 60389 Frankfurt am Main

Artist | Musician

Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra
Andromeda Mega Express Orchestra Berlin

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