In the organizer's words:
The young, diverse, authentic ensemble of the Arturo Drama School Cologne presents itself with current dramatic works - classical, modern and free monologues, dialogs and group scenes - exciting, diverse and passionate! Take a look!
The popular MonoMittWoch (organized by Arturo on the first Wednesday of every month) shows a small "best of" from the past year. With the kind permission of the publishers Hoffmann und Campe, Deutscher Theater Verlag, S. Fischer and the author Sathyan Ramesh Director: Bijan Benjamin and others 22:00 - 22:30 Lara Franzen, Philipp Feld Play: Gegenüber, Monologe Author: Sathyan Ramesh Duration: 12 min.
Ann-Sophie Redel Play: The New Electric Ballroom, monologue by Clara Author: Enda Walsh Duration: 8 min. 22:30 - 23:00 Katrin Kahlen, Luisa Goede Play: Laura and Lotte, Act I, Scene II Author: Peter Shaffer Duration: 15min Jana Musial Play: John Lennon wears a skirt Author: Claire Dowie Duration: 8 min.
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