PHOTO: © Zakuska

Balkan-Ball mit ZAKUSKA und Bettina Pinkert

In the organizer's words:

Dance festival with live music & workshop
Rousing dance music from the Balkans

Rousing dance music from the Balkan countries played live by the three thoroughbred musicians of the formation "Zakuska", who have been following their shared enthusiasm for Eastern European music for over 10 years. They take you on a dance journey across south-eastern Europe: from Roma songs to klezmer, from Hungarian Csárdás to Greek Syrtós, from the Adriatic to the Black Sea and beyond Europe to the Caucasus.
The Balkan music is just as varied as the dances, sometimes cheerfully upbeat, sometimes fiery and spirited, sometimes rhythmically challenging, sometimes dignified, calm and contemplative. Dancing is at the same time a "moving ethnology" and offers the opportunity to get in touch with the special features of the different traditions through movement: with mysterious music from Romania, the crooked beats and typical scales of the spirited dance music from Hungary, Serbia, North Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria and the archaic sounds from Armenia.
Everyone who enjoys Eastern European music and dancing is invited to this evening! Beginners are welcome who just want to give it a try, but also experienced dancers who can also let off steam.
Bettina Pinkert has many years of experience and enjoys leading dances and will get you going with simple, low-threshold dances, but also manages to get you moving, sweating and laughing with more complex dances in her sensitive way. Of course it is also possible to simply listen and watch.

Katharina Wibmer - violin, trumpet violin | Frank Eisele - accordion
Daniel Kartmann - tapan, cimbalom, darboukka | Bettina Pinkert - dance instruction

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Price information:

From September 1, 2024, there will be a new price concept at the Kulturhaus Schwanen. You decide for yourself whether you have a small, normal or generous wallet. This means that you no longer need to provide proof of reduced-price tickets.


Kulturhaus Schwanen Winnender Straße 4 71334 Waiblingen

Organizer | Miscellaneous

Kulturhaus Schwanen
Kulturhaus Schwanen Winnender Straße 4 71334 Waiblingen

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