PHOTO: © Bärlauch Comedy

Bärlauch Comedy x Mad Monkey Room

In the organizer's words:

A stage for the best comedians in Germany

Stand-up comedy is currently experiencing a new development in Germany - away from humor about flat clichés and towards honest insights from everyday life. With his show Bärlauch Comedy, artist Tim Whelan wants to offer today's comedians a stage.

Since January 2024, the show "Bärlauch Comedy x Mad Monkey Room" has been taking place once a month at naTo Leipzig. The show is hosted by comedy award winner "Prix Pantheon" Tim Whelan. This is where renowned artists from the stand-up scene meet the best newcomers.

For a long time, Cologne and Berlin were considered the centers for stand-up comedy in Germany. This is currently changing. Small open stages for stand-up comedy are popping up all over Germany and are here to stay. In Leipzig, too, a scene has been developing for a year and is growing steadily. One driving force is British-born Tim Whelan. He has been living in Leipzig for over a year. Before that, he spent twelve years in Berlin, where he was instrumental in establishing the stand-up comedy scene.

For him, one thing is certain: "Stand-up comedy no longer needs humor to come from laughing at others. Over the years, I've seen how humor has evolved and how many comedians are keen to discover other topics for themselves instead of stepping down and riding on clichés."

He would also like to give this trend a stage in Leipzig. He has found a suitable venue for this in the naTo Leipzig. He was also able to gain the stand-up comedy club Mad Monkey Room Berlin as a cooperation partner. With over 14 shows a week, the club is currently the first port of call for newcomers and professionals in Berlin's stand-up comedy scene.


Rasmus Syman


Marcus Bräuer

Tim Whelan

Admission: 18,- / 15,- (VVK: 15,- / 12,- plus fees at Culton Ticket and TixforGigs)

This content has been machine translated.


die naTo Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 46 04275 Leipzig

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