PHOTO: © Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung

Besichtigung der Schlossanlage Schleißheim

In the organizer's words:

The Schleißheim Palace complex is one of the most important baroque complexes in Germany and stretches over almost two kilometers.

The complex was built in several phases in the 17th and 18th centuries as a summer residence for the Bavarian dukes and electors and connects the New Schleißheim Palace, the Old Schleißheim Palace and the Lustheim Palace with a huge garden.

Inside the palaces, visitors can enjoy magnificent architecture, valuable paintings, art treasures and porcelain collections.

There are no regular guided tours of the Schleißheim palaces. However, an audio guide is available for the New Palace in German, English, Italian and French (for a fee).

Themed tours on specific dates for adults and children in the Schleißheim Palace complex are announced on the website of the Bavarian Palace Administration.

Special private tours for groups (adults or children) can also be organized in the New Palace.

Information on guided tours of the Porcelain Collection (Lustheim Palace) and Schleißheim Old Palace can be found on the website of the Bavarian National Museum.

Admission prices 2024

Total ticket
(Old Palace + New Palace + Lustheim Palace)
10,- Euro regular - 8,- Euro reduced

Old Schleißheim Palace
4,- Euro regular - 3,- Euro reduced

New Schleißheim Palace
6,- Euro regular - 5,- Euro reduced

An audio guide is available for the New Palace in German, English, Italian and French (for a fee).

Lustheim Palace
5,- Euro regular - 4,- Euro reduced

Schöner Stall and Renatus Chapel
(Pavilions at Lustheim Castle)
Free admission

Unfortunately, card payment is not possible at the Schleißheim Palace ticket office.

Free and reduced admission

Free admission for children and young people up to the age of 18.

Parents or adult supervisors are solely responsible for the supervision of underage children and adolescents (up to the age of 18) and may be liable to pay compensation for the behavior of minors in the event of a breach of their duty of supervision in accordance with the statutory provisions. Accompanying teachers and group leaders are also responsible for the behavior of minors in their care. Children under the age of 14 may only enter the Bavarian Palace Administration's properties if accompanied by an adult supervisor.

Pupils over the age of 18 from general education schools, vocational schools, special schools and schools for the sick in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 2 BayEUG also receive Free admission on presentation of their school ID.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

All information on current prices, reduced admission prices, group rates etc. can also be found on the Schleißheim Palace website:


Schlossanlage Schleißheim Max-Emanuel-Platz 85764 Oberschleißheim

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