BIN NEBENAN, a comedy by Ingrid Lausund, consisting of twelve monologues, played by Christine Garbe in a solo performance.
Here, comfort rituals meet panic attacks,
internalized racism meets Turkish teapots and plush zebras meet our society's holey social network.
The characters' omnipresent struggles with fears and shame subtly convey a quiet sense of togetherness in a world where everyone seems to be on their own in the fierce pursuit of individuality.
In this mischievous evening of theater, the pure absurdity of reality sometimes leaves the audience astonished and their laughter stuck in their throats.
with: Christine Garbe
Director: Georg Büttel
Price information:
Regular admission: € 23 Reduced admission (pupils, students, colleague cards): 15 € Thursday=theater day! All tickets 3,- reduced Group price (from 7 persons): 20 € Pupil and student groups: 12 € Munich Pass holders ALWAYS pay ONLY: 3 €